Course Category: Trustee

Showing 1-2 of 2 results

BK 121: Role of the U.S. Trustee

Role of the United States Trustee. A U.S. trustee is part of the United States Trustee Program established by the United States Department of Justice.  The U.S. Trustee Program is a component of the Department of Justice that seeks to promote the efficiency and protect the integrity of the federal…

BK 122: Role of the Chapter 7 Panel Trustee

The Role of the Chapter 7 Panel Trustee. The U.S. trustee must be distinguished from a Chapter 7 panel trustee.  This chapter focuses on the Chapter 7 panel trustee. The U.S. trustee in each district has assembled a pool of private people to act as Chapter 7 trustees.  These people are typically attorneys. …