BK 100: Welcome to National Bankruptcy Academy
Welcome to the National Bankruptcy Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/DcyGOS83p_A Attorneys across the nation are adding a bankruptcy practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. FEES CAN RANGE FROM $1,500 to…

BK 101: Chapter 7 Petition
Chapter 7 Petition. Every individual debtor seeking Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief commences a case by filing a “petition.” 11 U.S.C. § 301. But what constitutes a petition? Unlike the U.S. district courts that giver great latitude to drafters of a civil complaint, the U.S. bankruptcy courts do not give similar latitude…

BK 102: Schedule A/B – Property
Schedule A/B: Property Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of assets that identifies both real property and personal property. 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(i); Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(A). Real property consists of land and anything permanently affixed to the land, homes, buildings, air rights above the land, and underground rights below the land. …

BK 103: Schedule C – Exemptions
Schedule C: Exemptions. Every Chapter 7 debtor is allowed, but not required, to file a schedule of exempt assets. Like the petition and Schedule A/B, Bankruptcy Rule 9009 requires a debtor to use a specific national form prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States when listing the debtor’s exemptions. Bankruptcy…

BK 104: Schedule D – Secured Creditors
Schedule D: Secured Creditors. Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of liabilities that includes both secured and unsecured creditors. 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(i); Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(A). This chapter focuses on the listing of secured creditors and the following chapter discusses listing unsecured creditors. The creditors listed in Schedule D are limited…

BK 105: Schedule E/F – Unsecured Creditors
Schedule E/F: Unsecured Creditors. Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of liabilities that includes both secured and unsecured creditors. 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(i); Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(A). This course focuses on the listing of unsecured creditors and the prior chapter discussed listing secured creditors. The creditors listed in Schedule E/F…

BK 106: Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases
Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of executory contracts and unexpired leases. Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(C). This chapter focuses on the listing of debtor’s executory contracts and unexpired leases. What makes a contract an “executory” contract? An executory contract in the bankruptcy context has…

BK 107: Schedule H, Co-Debtors
Schedule H: Co-Debtors. Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of co-debtors (also spelled codebtor). Bankruptcy Rule 1007(a)(1). This chapter focuses on the listing of a debtor’s co-debtor. What constitutes a co-debtor? A co-debtor is one or more persons or entities that is primarily liable for the same debt for…

BK 100: Welcome to National Bankruptcy Academy
Welcome to the National Bankruptcy Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/DcyGOS83p_A Attorneys across the nation are adding a bankruptcy practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. FEES CAN RANGE FROM $1,500 to…

IA 101: Routine Installment Agreements
Routine Installment Agreements. The Federal government raises money to fund governmental operations through tax revenues collected by the IRS. Taxpayers are required to voluntarily comply with the Tax Code, including filing returns and paying taxes. The IRS wants full payment of the tax liability ASAP. The IRS encourages taxpayers to pay…

Intro 101: Welcome to National OIC Academy
Welcome to the National Offer in Compromise Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/GLpJ7IM2jTg Tax professionals across the nation are adding an Offer in Compromise (OIC) practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. …

ISR 101: 3 Types of Relief from Joint and Several Liability
Three Types of Relief from Joint and Several Liability. Many married taxpayers choose to file a joint tax return because of benefits this filing status affords them but ignore the detriments. When filing jointly, both taxpayers are jointly and severally liable for the tax and any additions to tax, interest, and penalties…

POA 101: Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney — Form 2848. This course focuses on Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representation. A power of attorney is the taxpayer’s written authorization for an individual (called a “representative”) to receive the taxpayer’s confidential tax information from the IRS. It also authorizes the representative to…

BK 100: Welcome to National Bankruptcy Academy
Welcome to the National Bankruptcy Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/DcyGOS83p_A Attorneys across the nation are adding a bankruptcy practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. FEES CAN RANGE FROM $1,500 to…

Intro 101: Welcome to National OIC Academy
Welcome to the National Offer in Compromise Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/GLpJ7IM2jTg Tax professionals across the nation are adding an Offer in Compromise (OIC) practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. …

OIC 107: Offer Amount Formula
Offer in Compromise Offer Amount Formula. https://youtu.be/U4zEn2bHWC0 The three types of Offer in Compromise are as follows: (a) compromise based on “doubt as to collectibility”; (b) compromise based on “doubt as to liability”; and (c) compromise that promotes effective tax administration. 26 C.F.R. § 301.7122-1(b); Johnson v. Commission of Internal…

ISR 106: Premature & Untimely Claims
Premature and Untimely Claims. A Requesting Spouse electing Innocent Spouse Relief and/or Separation of Liability Relief or requesting Equitable Relief must be cognizant of the window of opportunity. Elections and requests can neither be made prematurely nor untimely. Premature claims are discussed first, followed by a discussion of what constitutes…

ISR 111: Refund Claims
Refund Claims Made by an Innocent Spouse. The Requesting Spouse seeking relief from joint and several liability must be able to distinguish between civil claims for tax refunds and civil actions for tax refunds. Civil claims for tax refund are made administratively with the IRS utilizing IRS Form 8857. Civil…

POA 101: Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney — Form 2848. This course focuses on Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representation. A power of attorney is the taxpayer’s written authorization for an individual (called a “representative”) to receive the taxpayer’s confidential tax information from the IRS. It also authorizes the representative to…

ISR 104: Equitable Relief
Equitable Tax Relief. Congress has authorized “Equitable Relief” for qualifying spouses to relieve them from certain joint and several tax liability related to a tax deficiency and/or underpayment. 26 U.S.C. § 6015(f). Equitable Relief also applies to penalties and interest when relief is granted for the underlying item. IRM §…