Featured Courses
BK 100: Welcome to National Bankruptcy Academy
Welcome to the National Bankruptcy Academy. Who Should Take These Courses? https://youtu.be/DcyGOS83p_A Attorneys across the nation are adding a bankruptcy practice area to their list of services to attract new clients, more fully serve the needs of their existing clients, and increase their profits. FEES CAN RANGE FROM $1,500 to…
BK 101: Chapter 7 Petition
Chapter 7 Petition. Every individual debtor seeking Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief commences a case by filing a “petition.” 11 U.S.C. § 301. But what constitutes a petition? Unlike the U.S. district courts that giver great latitude to drafters of a civil complaint, the U.S. bankruptcy courts do not give similar latitude…
BK 102: Schedule A/B – Property
Schedule A/B: Property Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of assets that identifies both real property and personal property. 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(i); Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(A). Real property consists of land and anything permanently affixed to the land, homes, buildings, air rights above the land, and underground rights below the land. …
BK 103: Schedule C – Exemptions
Schedule C: Exemptions. Every Chapter 7 debtor is allowed, but not required, to file a schedule of exempt assets. Like the petition and Schedule A/B, Bankruptcy Rule 9009 requires a debtor to use a specific national form prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States when listing the debtor’s exemptions. Bankruptcy…
BK 104: Schedule D – Secured Creditors
Schedule D: Secured Creditors. Every Chapter 7 debtor must file a schedule of liabilities that includes both secured and unsecured creditors. 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(i); Bankruptcy Rule 1007(b)(1)(A). This chapter focuses on the listing of secured creditors and the following chapter discusses listing unsecured creditors. The creditors listed in Schedule D are limited…