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    All 6 Volumes of Bankruptcy Masterclass


    Add all six Bankruptcy Masterclass volumes to your bankruptcy library.

    A $1,500 value for only $499.  A $1,001 savings!

    • Volume 1: Starting a Bankruptcy Practice
    • Volume 2: Bankruptcy Marketing & Advertising
    • Volume 3: Bankruptcy Selling & Closing Clients
    • Volume 4: Client Communications
    • Volume 5: Processing the Petition, Schedules & Statements
    • Volume 6: The Bankruptcy Code

    Bankruptcy Masterclass – Volume 5: Processing the Petition, Schedules & Statements


    Every attorney should read this book cover to cover before filing his/her first Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. This book explains the nuts and bolts of filing Chapter 7 – giving attorneys the confidence to provide competent representation to clients by exceeding the minimum competency level of the profession and exercising the skill, knowledge and ordinary care exercised by other attorneys.

    This book offers a line-by-line analysis of the official bankruptcy forms prescribed by the Judicial Conference of the United States, including the Petition, Schedules A/B thru J, Statement of Compensation, Statement of Intent, Statement of Financial Affairs, Statement of Current Monthly Income, and Statement of the Means Test Calculation.

    In sum, studying this book should make any attorney feel competent to file his/her first Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. Attorneys who embrace this book will be able to better understand the Chapter 7 legal requirements, anticipate bankruptcy issues, and carefully prepare the required petition, schedules, and statements.