Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the STANDARD - Bankruptcy Only membership level.

Congratulations!  You have shown the professional commitment to provide outstanding services to your clients.  The STANDARD - Bankruptcy Only membership level provides access to 24 online courses:

  • 22 Instructional Bankruptcy Videos
  • 24 Bankruptcy Courses
  • 250-Question Bankruptcy Scholar Certification Exam

The STANDARD -Bankruptcy Only plan begins with ten fundamental courses teaching substantive bankruptcy laws.  Separate courses are devoted to the automatic stay injunction, Section 341 meeting of creditors, Chapter 7 discharge, and a timeline for Chapter 7 cases.  Next, the STANDARD - Bankruptcy Only plan provides a line-by-line analysis of the petition, schedules, and statements. At the conclusion of the courses, you will be on your way to filing your first individual consumer Chapter 7 case on behalf of your client.

Increase law firm profit by starting a bankruptcy practice and adding it to your existing practice areas. By offering consumer bankruptcy services in addition to your existing practice areas, you can open doors to a multitude of opportunities and tap into a steady stream of clients seeking financial relief.

The first and foremost reason to consider adding a bankruptcy practice to your portfolio is the demand for bankruptcy services. Start a bankruptcy practice, and you’ll enter a niche that’s continually expanding. Economic fluctuations and unexpected financial challenges are inevitable in people’s lives, and a growing number of individuals are seeking relief from crushing debt burdens. By positioning yourself as a bankruptcy expert, you can tap into this substantial market need and provide invaluable assistance to those in need.


The price for membership is $89.00 per Month.

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BK 100: Welcome to National Bankruptcy Academy
BK 101: Chapter 7 Petition
BK 102: Schedule A/B – Property
BK 103: Schedule C – Exemptions
BK 104: Schedule D – Secured Creditors
BK 105: Schedule E/F – Unsecured Creditors
BK 106: Schedule G – Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases
BK 107: Schedule H, Co-Debtors
BK 108: Schedule I – Income
BK 109: Schedule J – Expenses
BK 110: Statement of Compensation
BK 111: Statement of Intention
BK 112: Statement of Financial Affairs
BK 113: Statement of Your Current Monthly Income
BK 114: Statement of Means Test Calculation
BK 116: Constitution, Statutes, Rules and Caselaw
BK 117: Six Types of Bankruptcy Cases
BK 118: Timeline for a Chapter 7 Case
BK 119: Alternatives to a Chapter 7 Case
BK 120: Chapter 7 Eligibility
BK 122: Role of the Chapter 7 Panel Trustee
BK 123: Section 341 Meeting of Creditors
BK 124: The Automatic Stay
BK 125: Chapter 7 Discharge
Bankruptcy Scholar Certificate Exam – 250 Questions

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